Child Labour
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Child Labour

Child labour is a very complex problem with its root in the socio-economic environment of the country. It stems from poverty, lack of education and health facilities and better avenues of employment. Eradication of child labour is indeed a formidable task. While legislations do help to a considerable extent, mitigation of child labour problem is not possible unless its fundamental raison d’etre are attacked. Alleviation of poverty, check on population growth are the essentials. Education and health facilities national conscience is required. This can be done through mass communication regarding the evils of the problem in the media and running anti-child labour campaigns.   

Experience has shown that withdrawing children from the worst forms is possible, but cannot be successful without a strong political will. This ‘will’ must be embedded in a national policy that addresses issues such as improved legislation and enforcement; improved methodologies for identifying these children; awareness raising at all levels of society and the provision of viable alternatives for the children and their families, including rehabilitation measures. 

For nearly past ten years, the issue of the child labour has been agitating the minds of different sections of society.  The Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC) of India has also not remained unaffected. The INTUC has taken up this issue at the national and regional levels. At the present time INTUC has set up National Child Labour Cell which has taken up several projects within their programmes giving sufficient importance to the issue of child labour in accordance with the workshop organized by the INTUC Educational Institute. It was decided that INTUC should encourage some of their own selected workers to become trainers. It is understood that all workers should develop sensitivity in respect of child labour. INTUC has also been vigorously taking up the issue of child labour at various governments for commission on labour. This point was also highlighted at the National Labour Commission.

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