The INTUC, in collaboration with the Solidarity Center, has been successful in initiating a project on 'HIV/AIDS prevention and care at the workplace' with the active involvement of trade union leadership at regional and national levels.
Since December 1999 INTUC has been organising training programs centered on gender, sexuality and HIV/AIDS prevention and care, including policy development issues at the workplace.
INTUC is the first national trade union, which has incorporated HIV/AIDS into the workers' rights issues. It has also brought out atraining manual on the issue - field-tested and developed through training process.
NGO linkages have also been created and are being strengthened in every state in order to reach out to larger number of workers including women workers and unorganized labor force.
INTUC's HIV/AIDS programme in India has been supported by The Solidarity Center -Srilanka, which is the office for India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. The Solidarity Center conducts programs under several topics:
Strengthening rights of workers;
Elimination of child labor;
Empowerment of working women;
Strengthening of democracy
Economic justice and freedom of association; and
Encouraging workers to have a voice in the rules of the global economy, in the industrial, plantation and the public, with government agencies, trade unions, employers and civil society groups.