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January 17, 2011

To all the State Branches and Industrial Federations of INTUC


Dear friends,

March to Parliament on 23rd February, 2011

 As you are aware, the Coordination Committee of Central Trade has been advocating to work together to support the economic demands of the working class.  It is known to everyone that the Central Trade Unions had made the following 5-point demands which are against::

 1.      Price-rise and Unemployment.

2.      Contractorisation

3.      Labour Law violations

4.      Disinvestment and DEMANDING

5.      National Fund & Universalisation of Social Security for Unorganised Workers.


To press the above 5-point demands, we had a series of programmes including one day ‘Dharna’ on 16th December, 2009 at Parliament Street,  one day ‘jail baro andolan’  on 5th March, 2010 followed by State Level Joint Conventions, National Convention on 15th July, 2010 and one day strike on 7th September, 2010 etc. 


 Unfortunately, till date, no concrete steps have been taken to resolve the major issues.  The Central Trade Unions of the country – INTUC, AITUC, HMS, CITU, AIUTUC, TUCC, AICCTU and UTUC met on the 5th October, 2010 under the Presidentship of Dr. G. Sanjeeva Reddy, President INTUC to review the 7th September, 2010 historic strike.  While warmly congratulating millions of workers in the country who participated in the strike against unprecedented price rise, violation of labour laws, disinvestments in profit making public sector undertakings, retrenchment, lay off and rampant out-sourcing/contractualisation, and for adequate Central funds for social security scheme of the unorganized sector workers, noted that Governments are not taking any effective action to resolve the five point demands.  The meeting therefore decided in the next phase of the united movement of all the trade unions of the country to organize massive March to Parliament on 23rd February, 2011 to support the said demands.  On this day, the workers of all Trade Unions from all over the country and particularly from Delhi and nearby States will come and participate in the March. 

 The Working Committee of INTUC approved the continuity of our association with the Coordination Committee of Central Trade Unions and also strengthening the unity of the Central Trade Union for the larger interest of the working class movement as well as the country. 

 Through this Parliament March, we have to show the strength of the trade unions and the working class movement and compel the Government to come to the negotiating table for settlement of the 5-point charter of demands and take measures to tackle the economic problems of the working class.  During the global economic recession, the working class has suffered a lot.  The INTUC feels that the time is ripe now to show the strength and capacity of the trade unions.  Therefore, it is imperative that a March to Parliament should be organized in the interest of overall development of the trade union movement in the country.  The Government must realize the real strength of the working class and Government employees.

We request our State Branches, Industrial Federations and Unions to take all necessary steps to mobilize large number of INTUC workers and assembled at Delhi with tri-colour INTUC flags and banners for the Parliament March on 23rd February, 2011. 

We attach herewith sample poster for your use and kindly make it in local language for publicity.

 With best wishes,

Yours sincerely,

(P.J. Raju)


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